On Thursday, 14th July 2022 the FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus, QEC department in coordination with the Library Organized an online session on “How MyLab Enhances Teaching and Learning Together”.
The MyLab Mastering tool provides various resources like videos, simulations, lecture slides, flashcards, and instructor manuals that might help you encourage classroom discussions and challenge students to apply what they learn in a dynamic and interactive environment.
On August 11th, 2022, a workshop on Outcome Based Education for the faculty members was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC). Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, was the Resource Person.
The speakers enlightened the faculty members about the OBE based Exam and other evaluation (Assignment & Quizzes) preparation.
On 10th, August 2022, Mr. Muhammad Shahzad, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing conducted a training. The training was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with FAST School of Computing. The objective of the training was to educate the TAs about the basic responsibilities associated with teaching assistantship and to acknowledge the importance of rubric when grading the assessment items. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director also joined the session and shared his views with the TAs.
On September 21th, 2022, a Session on Student feedback was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.
The speakers enlightened the students about the process of improvement via feedback and the importance of Graduating Survey, Student Course Feedback and others.
On 22nd December, 2022, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) participated in a capacity building session on “Analysis and Use of Course & Faculty Evaluation Survey Performance Results” at IBA Karachi.
There were two main objectives of the aforementioned session. Firstly, it explored the ways to use and analyze data collected from survey dashboards in order to create actionable knowledge for course curricula and pedagogical practices.
Secondly, if focused on developing a deeper understanding of how to identify ways to increase survey response rates based on evidence-based practices and successful experiences from peers.