On Feb 11, 2021, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), organized a training workshop on Implementation of Outcome Based Education (OBE) in collaboration with The Centre for Professional Training (CPT).
Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department was the trainer of the session. The workshop was attended by all the faculty members. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Campus Director was also present in the session. The objective of the training was to enlighten faculty on curriculum design, and the emerging need of OBE education. The participants actively participated in the training and showed keen interest in adopting OBE as a modern teaching and learning approach.
The second training workshop on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for faculty members was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), in coordination with the Center for Professional Training (CPT) on February 18, 2021. Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, served as the resource person for the session.
The aim of this training was to provide knowledge, techniques, and mechanisms for developing Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).
On Feb 16, 2021, the Hands-on workshop on the use of Reference Management tools to improve the quality in Citation research work was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in collaboration with The Center for Professional Training CPT. Ms. Attya Shahid, Manager Library, Karachi Campus was the trainer of the session and she enlightened everyone with the use of citation management reference tools efficiently and effectively. The faculty members, Staff and Students attended the workshop.
On March 4, 2021, a workshop on the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC). The objectives of the training were to enlighten faculty on complex computing problems and the mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, served as the trainer for the session. Dr. Fahad Samad, Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, provided information about OBE software to the faculty members.
On June 14, 15, 17, and 18, 2021, a Self-Assessment of the Administration, Academics, Systems, and Purchase Departments was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC). During this assessment, a panel of experts evaluated the departments according to defined standards. Faculty members and departmental managers were part of the assessment team.
On September 23, 2021, Dr. Uzair Khan, Director of ORIC, visited the Karachi Campus and conducted an awareness session on “NUCES ORIC Initiatives and Funding Opportunities.” He was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Director of the Karachi Campus, as well as Prof. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean of the Faculty of Computing, the Heads of Departments, PhD faculty members, and Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC). During the visit, they discussed various important matters regarding the campus and its growth.
The Teacher Assistant training was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager Quality Enhancement Cell in coordination with Student affairs & CPT, led by Dr. Muhammad Rafi, Associate Professor, FAST School of Computing on Thursday October 28, 2021.The objective of the training was to educate the participants about the basic responsibilities associated with teaching assistantship, to instill the basic skills of spreadsheet for maintaining the grades, and to acknowledge the importance of rubric when grading the assessment items and others.
On December 14, 2021, the Electrical Engineering Department, in coordination with Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), organized a session on Complex Engineering Problems (CEP) and Open-Ended Labs (OEL). The session was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan, Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Hamdard University. Dr. Khan highlighted the importance of incorporating CEP into the engineering curriculum and explained the necessity of OEL.
On December 22, 2021, an awareness session on the self-assessment process was jointly organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus, and Ms. Maria Ibrar, Manager of the QEC at FAST-NUCES Peshawar Campus. The session was chaired by Dr. Arshad Islam, Director of the QEC at FAST-NUCES, Islamabad Campus. Program team members from both the Karachi and Islamabad campuses participated in the session.
On 27th Dec 2021, a training session was organized by Mr. Abdul Saeed, Manager Academics in coordination with Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC. The trainer Syed Muhammad Atif Saleem, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering department and a Chair of Vigilance Committee, elaborate the key role and responsibilities Before the Exam, During the Exam & End of Exam in the session to the faculty members.
On Monday, January 3, 2022, Mr. Masroor Ali, the administrator, Karachi Campus, FAST-NUCES, Ms. Attya Shahid, librarian, Mr. Rafiq Akhter, assistant librarian, Ms. Urooj Laghari, assistant manager -QEC visited Habib University campus to observe their learning practices, state-of-art services & infrastructure. The Habib University staff provided a well-rounded tour of all campus activities and services. The QEC team members of Habib University shared their QA activities with the visitors from FAST-NUCES.
On January 19, 2022, the external members Dr. Adnan Ahmed Siddiqui, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Computer Science Department, Hamdard University and Dr. Lubaid Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, UIT University were invited. In compliance with the requirements of HEC, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, QEC at FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus conducted the program review of the MS and PhD programs of the FAST School of Computing and Electrical Engineering Department. The purpose of the program review was to assess the quality of the programs, keeping in view the minimum criteria of HEC for the identification of further improvement. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, HoD, FAST School of Computing and Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineer Department were invited to join the session.
On Thursday, February 10, 2022, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at FAST-NUCES participated in the seminar entitled, “Implementation of Modern Tools and Methodologies for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions” at NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi.
The session was facilitated by Dr. Asif A. Shaikh, Director QEC at NED UET, Dr. M. Asif, Director QEC at Ziauddin University, Ms. Sanam Soomro, Director QEC, DUHS and Dr. M. Wasif, Dy. Director QEC at NED UET.
The Pakistan Engineering Council Team visited FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus (Electrical Engineering Department) on 21st and 22nd March 2022 for re-accreditation visit of BS Electrical Engineering Program. The members of the team included Engr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Khaliq, CASE, Islamabad Team Leader/Convener, Engr. Prof. Dr. Sadiq Ullah UET, Mardan, Engr. Prof. Dr. Ali Nasir, UCP, Lahore, Engr. Junaid Khan, Representative PEC.
They visited the Electrical Engineering Department, where the HOD and faculty member of Electrical Engineering Department Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, welcomed the PEC team and Ms. Urooj Laghari Assistant Manager, QEC, coordinated the whole visit. The team showed their satisfaction regarding the performance and quality of education. After the visit, the team had a meeting with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director. He briefed about the university’s quality performance and high educational standards which are acceptable at international levels.
The Pakistan Engineering Council Team visited FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus (Electrical Engineering Department) on 21st and 22nd March 2022 for re-accreditation visit of BS Electrical Engineering Program. The members of the team included Engr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Khaliq, CASE, Islamabad Team Leader/Convener, Engr. Prof. Dr. Sadiq Ullah UET, Mardan, Engr. Prof. Dr. Ali Nasir, UCP, Lahore, Engr. Junaid Khan, Representative PEC.
They visited the Electrical Engineering Department, where the HOD and faculty member of Electrical Engineering Department Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, welcomed the PEC team and Ms. Urooj Laghari Assistant Manager, QEC, coordinated the whole visit. The team showed their satisfaction regarding the performance and quality of education. After the visit, the team had a meeting with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director. He briefed about the university’s quality performance and high educational standards which are acceptable at international levels.
On Wednesday 30th, March 2022, Mr. Muhammad Shahzad, Associate Professor, FAST School of Computing conducted a training. The training was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with FAST School of Computing. The objective of the training was to educate the TAs about the basic responsibilities associated with teaching assistantship, basic skills of spreadsheet to maintain the grades of the students in a desirable format and to acknowledge the importance of rubric when grading the assessment items and others. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director also joined the session and share his views with the TAs.
On Thursday, March 9, 2022, the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) for the BBA program was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with the FAST School of Management Sciences. Dr. Muhammad Adnan Bashir, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing, College of Business Management, Institute of Business Management, Karachi was the external evaluator whereas, Dr. Syed Muhammad Fahad Riaz, Assistant Professor & In-charge of Sciences & Humanities Department, FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus was the internal evaluator. Dr. Nazia Nazeer, Assistant Professor and the Head of Department, FAST School of Management Sciences briefed the Assessment team about the progress of the department. The program team members Dr. Muhammad Saad, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management Sciences and Mr. Mohammad Ahsan, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management Sciences also joined the session. The agenda of the meeting was to review and validate the SAR findings of BBA program in compliance with the HEC requirements. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director & Professor of FAST School of Computing also joined and expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Assessment Team and the Program Team members at the end of the review. The meeting ended on a positive note.
The Institutional Performance Evaluation (Self-IPE) of the FAST-NUCES Karachi Campus from 24th to 25th May, 2022 was arranged by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. Dr. Israr Ahmed, Assistant Professor & Director QEC, Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Institute of Technology, Karachi and Dr. Hassan Jamil Syed, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi were the part of the self-review team.
It was a detailed visit for the evaluation of documents, policies and practices at the campus. The team went through the relevant records, made on spot queries from the facilitators and also visited the selected facilities like Library, OneStop, classrooms, computer labs, Electrical Engineering labs and sports facilities.
The HoDs of the respective departments, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, from the FAST School of Computing, Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, from the Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Nazia Nazeer, from the Management Sciences Department and other faculty members and students’ joined the evaluation.
Dr. Muhammad Arshad Islam, Director QEC from Islamabad also joined via Google meet. The detailed report was shared by the evaluators. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, Karachi joined the exit meeting at the end of activity the evaluators communicated in brief their observations and recommendations. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, Karachi thanked and appreciated the panel’s efforts in helping the University towards quality improvement.
On Thursday, 14th July, 2022, the FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus, QEC department in coordination with the Library Organized an online session on “How MyLab Enhances Teaching and Learning Together”. The MyLab Mastering tool provides various resources like videos, simulations, lecture slides, flashcards, and instructor manuals that might help you encourage classroom discussions and challenge students to apply what they learn in a dynamic and interactive environment.
On August 11th, 2022, a workshop on Outcome Based Education for the faculty members was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC). Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, was the Resource Person. The speakers enlightened the faculty members about the OBE based Exam and other evaluation (Assignment & Quizzes) preparation.
On August 15, 2022, Karachi Campus in collaboration with the HR Department conducted a full day Orientation Program for the newly joined faculty members. Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) participated in the Orientation Program. Ms. Urooj Laghari gave a detailed presentation which emphasized the role of the respective faculty members in Quality Enhancement and asked them to contribute in the QEC activities for making the student learning experience well. Moreover, QEC gave the new team a detailed prospect regarding the external and internal evaluation as per HEC.
On Wednesday 10th, August 2022, Mr. Muhammad Shahzad, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing conducted a training. The training was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with FAST School of Computing. The objective of the training was to educate the TAs about the basic responsibilities associated with teaching assistantship and to acknowledge the importance of rubric when grading the assessment items. Prof. Dr. Muhmmad Atif Tahir, Campus Director also joined the session and share his views with the TAs.
On September 21st, 2022, a Session on Student feedback was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.The QEC enlightened the students about the process of improvement via feedback and the importance of Graduating Survey, Student Course Feedback and others.
On Thursday 29th September 2022 the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the BS-EE, MS-EE and PhD-EE programs was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with the Electrical Engineering department.Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan, Associate Professor, Hamdard University, Karachi was the external evaluator and Dr. Muhammad Farrukh Shahid, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing at NUCES, Karachi Campus, joined as an internal evaluator. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Islam, Director QEC also joined via Google meet and appreciated the panel’s efforts for improvement. The evaluators analyzed and assessed the program’s progress as per the defined standards of HEC. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, FAST-NUCES, Karachi, also joined and shared his views with the team. At the end of the activity, the evaluators communicated in brief their observations and recommendations.
On Wednesday 30th November 2022 the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the BS-CS, MS-CS and PhD-CS programs was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) in coordination with the FAST School of Computing.
Dr. Lubaid Ahmed, Assistant Professor, UIT University, Karachi was the external evaluator and Dr. Waheed Ahmed Abro, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing at NUCES, Karachi Campus, joined as an internal evaluator. The Evaluators evaluated the program’s progress as per the defined standards of HEC.Dr. Muhammad Arshad Islam, Professor and Director QEC and Dr. Farooque Hassan Kumbhar, Associate Professor & HOD of Computer Science department joined via Google meet and shared views with the team. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, FAST-NUCES, Karachi, also joined and appreciated the panel’s efforts for improvement.
On 22nd December, 2022, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) participated in a capacity building session on “Analysis and Use of Course & Faculty Evaluation Survey Performance Results” at IBA Karachi.There were two main objectives of the aforementioned session. Firstly, it explored the ways to use and analyze data collected from survey dashboard in order to create actionable knowledge for course curricula and pedagogical practices.Secondly, if focused on developing a deeper understanding of how to identify ways to increase survey response rates based on evidence-based practices and successful experiences from peers.
On 29th December, 2022 a Session on “Feedback Matters” was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC).Mr. Abdul Saeed, Manager Academics along with his team, Mr. Umair Abdul Qadir, Assistant Manager, Student affairs, Mr. Azhar Abdul Rasool, Medical officer (wellness & sports) also joined the session.The QEC enlightened the participants about the level of satisfaction of students regarding the Admission Process, Admission Test and Orientation.The participants shared their feedback and suggestions. Mr. Abdul Saeed also highlighted the reasons of issues faced by students and shared improvement plans for the future.
On Thursday 19th January, 2023 Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, QEC in coordination organized the first aid training session for staff and faculty members.The trainers Mr. Ali Abbas Taj, Mr. M. Khizar and Mr. M.Tahir Khan elaborate to the participants about the first aid provision of initial care for an illness or injury.The first aid training included preserving life, preventing injury from getting worse, aiding recovery, relieving pain, and protecting the unconscious, Positioning patient during any injury.
On February 21 – 23, 2023, The Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) of the FAST-NUCES Karachi Campus was arranged by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. The IPE review panel consisted of three members. The internal members were Dr. Fahad Sherwani, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi, Dr. Nausheen Shoaib, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi and Dr. Syed Muhammad Atif Saleem, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. Dr. Abdul Razak Mahar, Director QEC, Textile Institute of Pakistan (TIP) was the external member.
The purpose of the review was to assess the FAST NUCES against the standards provided by the HEC for continuous quality improvement.
The IPE panel members met the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Prof. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, HOS of FAST School of Computing and the heads of the various academic and administrative departments and faculty members.The Current structures and policies, along with the areas of improvement, were discussed. The activity was concluded with an exit meeting with the Campus Director.Token of appreciation was presented by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, FAST Karachi who appreciated the evaluator for his time and commitment for the assessment as an external evaluator.
On Wednesday 8th March, 2023 Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, QEC in coordination with Dr. Azhar Abdul Rasool, Officer wellness & sports organized the certificate distribution ceremony of the first aid training session for staff and faculty members.The Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Atif Tahir and Mr. Masoor Ali, Manager Administration distributed certificates to the participants.
On 16th Feb 2023 a training session was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, QEC for staff and faculty.The trainer Muhammad Aleem Habib, Certified MS Excel Specialist, elaborated on how to take Excel skills from traditional to the professional level. This training session aims to impart data analysis skills using Microsoft Excel to a broad range of users to help them become more aware about core Excel reporting features and functions.
On Thursday, April 28 & 29, 2023 MS & PhD Program Review visit was conducted. The visit was organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC. The purpose of this visit was to evaluate the University whether or not it is implementing HEC minimum criteria for launching and continuing MS and PhD programs while maintaining the quality of education.
The Program Review Team consisted of Dr. Atif Shahab Butt, Head/Sr. Manager Quality Enhancement Cell, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Karachi, external evaluator and Dr. Ghufran Ahmed, Associate Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi, Dr. Muhammad Farrukh Shahid, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi, and Dr. Mumtaz Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, FAST-NUCES, Karachi were the internal evaluators.
The visit continued for two days during which there were different activities including review of program manuals, policies and rules & regulations of the University. In addition to that, interactive sessions were carried out with the Campus Director / HOS/ HODs of departments, Faculty and Students. The Program Review Team also visited the University facilities like the library, labs, Medical facility, classrooms etc. as per the plan and expressed great satisfaction with the facilities provided within the campus to the Faculty, Students, and Staff. In the end, the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir had an exit meeting with the PR Team and presented a token of appreciation.
On Friday, 10th August 2023, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC, organized a guest speaker session in collaboration with QEC Lahore Campus on “Empowering the Educators” for faculty members.
The speaker Adeel Hashmi emphasized the significance of moral values in education and their impact on student’s development. He also discussed the evolving responsibilities and challenges faced by today’s educators.
The session provided valuable insights into effective teaching practices and the role of educators in shaping future generations.
On Tuesday, 18th July 2023, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager QEC, organized a dynamic Training Session on “Teaching Challenges & Opportunities” for faculty members. The speaker Dr. Shahab Tahzeeb, Assistant Professor at NED University, offered valuable insights and innovative teaching approaches to equip educators. The interactive nature of the training facilitated a collaborative and enriching learning experience, leaving participants inspired and empowered to enhance their teaching practices.
On Tuesday 18th September, 2023 Ms. Urooj Laghari, Assistant Manager, QEC organized a training session for the staff members. The objective was to improve their proficiency in email communication etiquette, a vital aspect of professional correspondence.Ms. Javeria Ali Wadho, Lecturer in Sciences & Humanities, conducted the training. She provided participants with insights into the rules and principles governing proper email conduct, emphasizing the use of appropriate language, tone, and format for effective and professional communication.
On October 25, 2023, the Fire Safety and Security Awareness Session was organized jointly by the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and the Administration Department.The Admin, Maintenance, Security, IT, and Library staff members participated in this session. The session aimed to enhance knowledge on fire safety, emergency response, and appropriate handling procedures. The session was conducted by the team from Karachi Fire Corporation.
On November 20th, 2023, the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) team, comprising Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Habib, Prof. Dr. Salman Afsar Awan, and Prof. Dr. Khurram Shahzad, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the BS Software Engineering and BS Computer Science programs at the FAST School of Computing, Karachi Campus. The evaluation encompassed a thorough examination of course content, curriculum structure, and on-site facilities.
Prof. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean, FAST School of Computing, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Director, Karachi Campus, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, Head of School, FAST School of Computing, Dr. Farooque Hassan Kumbhar, Head of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Abdul Aziz, Head of the Department of Software Engineering, and representatives from the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and all administrative departments participated in the assessment meeting. The assessment was carried out in accordance with NCEAC standards.
The Sindh Higher Education Commission (Sindh HEC) conducted the 1st National Certified Reviewers (NCR) training from December 11th to 13th, 2023. Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager at QEC, actively attended the training session.
From January 15th to 17th, 2024, the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at the FAST-NUCES Karachi campus hosted a comprehensive three-day Faculty Training Program, attended by newly joined faculty members from various departments.
The program commenced with speeches by Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean of Computing, shared his experience with FAST-NUCES and motivated faculty to pursue further studies. Dr. Muhammad Rafi, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, emphasized the importance of faculty training and commended the efforts of QEC in organizing the program. He informed the faculty that we need to focus on the quality of education.
Sessions on “Qualities of a Good Teacher,” “Classroom Management,” and “Student Motivation,” led by Prof. Dr. Ghufran Ahmed, defined effective teaching and teaching effectiveness as something that can be defined, evaluated, measured. Prof. Dr. Ghufran defines various approaches and perspectives ranging from classroom observations to measuring student learning outcomes to expert opinion.
Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager QEC informed about the activities of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and underscored the importance of both faculty and student feedback. Additionally, Mr. Abdul Saeed explained the role of the Academics department and provided essential FLEX details. Information regarding Provident fund, medical reimbursement procedure was shared by Mr. Atif Islam, Deputy Manager Accounts, and Mr. Syed Hussain Raza, Accounts officer. Ms. Naima Navaid, Deputy Manager HR, shared the campus HR activities and PF details and Account opening process, insurance policy details, Medical OPD details, Semester leave details. She also informed them about duty timings and probation details. The final session of the day was led by Dr. Fahad Samad, Assistant Professor & HOD of Cyber Security Department, conducted a session on Domain-Specific Training and explained the use of FLEX, how faculty can calculate marks and grades on FLEX, how to use SLATE, and introduction of NUMUN. He also informed about the Academic Year of University, Credit Hour, and Scheduling of Classes.
Sessions on “Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations” and “Research Labs” were conducted by Dr. Muhammad Rafi, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. He defines cooperative efforts among researchers from different academic disciplines or fields of study to address complex problems or questions that cannot be adequately addressed by any single discipline alone. Dr. Rafi also defines that in these collaborations, researchers bring together their diverse expertise, methodologies, and perspectives to gain deeper insights and develop innovative solutions to multifaceted challenges. Ms. Afifa, Deputy Manager Library, informs about various resources and services offered by the library.
Mr. Umair Abdul Qadir, Assistant Manager Student affairs shared Student Societies details, and Mr. Umar Farooque, Assistant Manager Media gave a brief introduction about the media department. Ms. Aysha Siddiqui, Assistant Manager Industrial Liaison/ Career Services/Transport In-charge shared industrial networking activity and provision of transportation services. An online session by Dr. Muhammad Asif Naeem, Director of the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC), conducted a session explaining ORIC policies and shared research-related policies at FAST-NUCES and highlighted various funding opportunities available to faculty members. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Islam, Director of QEC, discussed assessment methodologies and the Outcome-Based Education system via Google Meet. Dr. Islam provided valuable insights into enhancing the quality of education through effective assessment practices.
Dr. Abdul Aziz, Associate Professor & Head of Software Engineering department, addressed challenges in lab courses, sharing valuable insights into the complexities of lab instruction. An online session on mental health and well-being with Dr. Sabahat Haqqani, Head of the Psychology Department at Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Dr. Haqqani conducted an enlightening session titled “Reflecting on Mental Health and Wellbeing in Academia.” and a session on “HR Policies, Soft Skills, and Personal Growth” by Ms. Hira Saleem.
The program received widespread acclaim, with participants expressing high satisfaction levels in feedback. The diverse sessions successfully equipped faculty members with valuable knowledge and skills.
On Wednesday, January 31st, 2024, the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the BS-CY and MS-CNS programs was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), in collaboration with the Cyber Security department.
Dr. Muhammad Asad Afreen, Associate Professor of Computer & Information Systems Engineering at NED University, Karachi, served as the external evaluator, while Dr. Farrukh Salim Shaikh, Assistant Professor at FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES Karachi Campus, participated as an internal evaluator. The evaluators thoroughly analyzed and assessed the programs’ progress according to the defined standards set by HEC. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director of FAST-NUCES Karachi, also contributed his insights to the team. Following the activity, the evaluators provided a summary of their observations and recommendations.
On February 20 – 22, 2024, The Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) of the FAST-NUCES Karachi Campus was arranged by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager QEC, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. The IPE review panel comprised three distinguished members. Internally, the panel included Dr. Muhammad Shahzad, Associate Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. Dr. Aqsa Aslam, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, Karachi and Dr. Muhammad Hassan Saeed, Assistant Professor, Sciences & Humanities Department, FAST-NUCES, Karachi. Dr. Muhammad Rehan, Director QEC, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi served as the external member.The primary objective of this review was to evaluate FAST-NUCES Karachi against the quality standards outlined by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), with the aim of fostering continuous improvement.
The IPE panel members met the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Prof. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, HOS of FAST School of Computing and the heads of the various academic and administrative departments, as well as faculty members.
Prof. Dr. Arshad Islam, Director QEC, participated remotely via Google Meet. The Current structures and policies, along with the areas of improvement, were discussed. The activity was concluded with an exit meeting with the Campus Director.
A token of appreciation was presented by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director, FAST Karachi who appreciated the evaluator for his time and commitment for the assessment as an external evaluator.
The MS/PhD Review Visit .conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at FAST-NUCES assessed the MS/PhD programs on April 25th and 26th, 2024 The Review Panel comprised external member Prof. Dr. Aftab A. Shaikh, Dean of the Department of Information Technology at SMIU University, along with internal members Dr. Nausheen Shoaib, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Syed Moazzam Ali Shah, Assistant Professor in the Department of Software Engineering, and Dr. Junaid Rabbani, Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering.The objective of this visit was to evaluate the university’s adherence to HEC minimum criteria for initiating and maintaining MS and PhD programs while ensuring the quality of education. Utilizing HEC-approved formats, program details were presented comprehensively. The review encompassed all MS and PhD programs of the campus, with each department providing insights into program specifics, faculty composition (both permanent and visiting), and students’ details.During the visit, the Review panel scrutinized faculty performance, workload, supervision practices, as well as student enrollment. Additionally, various pertinent aspects were deliberated upon and adequately addressed by the respective Head of the Departments. External panel members offered valuable recommendations and raised important concerns, contributing to a holistic assessment of the programs.A token of appreciation was presented by Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, Campus Director, FAST Karachi who appreciated the evaluator for their dedication and valuable contribution as an external assessor during the assessment process.
On Friday, June 7th, 2024, the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the MS-SPM program was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), in collaboration with the Software Engineering department. Dr. Abdul Aziz, Associated Professor and Head of the Software Engineering department, participated throughout the visit.
Dr. Samita Bai, Assistant Professor at Salim Habib University served as the external evaluator, while Dr. Farrukh Hasan Syed, Assistant Professor at FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, acted as the internal evaluator.
Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, Campus Director of FAST-NUCES, also provided valuable insights to the team. Following the evaluation, the evaluators presented a summary of their observations and offered recommendations for improvement according to the HEC standards.
On Friday, March 22nd, 2024, the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the BS- BA program was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), in collaboration with the Management Science department.
Dr. Atif Aziz, Professor, Management Science at IQRA University, Karachi, participated as the external evaluator, while Dr. Muhammad Nouman Durrani, Associate Professor at FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES Karachi Campus, served as an internal evaluator.
The evaluators conducted a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the program’s progress based on the defined standards established by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Campus Director of FAST-NUCES Karachi, also contributed valuable insights to the team. After the evaluation, the evaluators presented a summary of their observations and provided recommendations.
On Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), conducted OBE training in collaboration with the Electrical Engineering department. Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan served as the speaker for the session, which was attended by faculty members of the Electrical Engineering department.
On Wednesday, June 26th, 2024, the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) of the MS-DS program was conducted by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence & Data Science department. Dr. Mansoor Khuhro, Associate Professor and HOD at SMIU, participated as the external evaluator, while Dr. Nausheen Shoaib, Assistant Professor at the FAST School of Computing, FAST-NUCES, served as the internal evaluator. Additionally, Dr. Muhammad Farrukh Shahid and Dr. Farrukh Hasan Syed, both Assistant Professors at FAST-NUCES, contributed as program team members.
Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, Campus Director of FAST-NUCES, provided valuable insights to the team. Following the evaluation, the evaluators presented a summary of their observations and offered recommendations for improvement in accordance with HEC standards.
From August 12th to 13th, 2024, the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at the FAST-NUCES Karachi campus hosted a comprehensive two-day Faculty Training Program for newly joined faculty members from various departments.
The program began with a session led by the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon. He shared his extensive experience and provided valuable guidance to the new faculty members. He outlined the institution’s vision and objectives, detailing key expectations for faculty performance and engagement.
Following the session, Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of the QEC, provided an overview of the QEC’s initiatives and responsibilities. She emphasized the critical role of faculty and student feedback in the continuous improvement of educational quality. Next, Prof. Dr. Ghufran Ahmed conducted a session on “Qualities of a Good Teacher, Classroom Management, and Student Motivation”. He offered an in-depth exploration of effective teaching elements, explaining that teaching effectiveness is both subjective and measurable.
Prof. Dr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, Dean of Computing at FAST-NUCES, then explained the policies of the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC).
The introductory session for new faculty members included contributions from Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Head of School, along with several department heads: Dr. Muhammad Rafi (Professor and Head of the Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Department), Dr. Fahad Samad (Assistant Professor and Head of the Cyber Security Department), and Dr. Abdul Aziz (Associate Professor and Head of the Software Engineering Department). Each department head provided an overview of their respective departments, including goals, current research areas, and collaboration opportunities. This session aimed to familiarize new faculty members with departmental leadership and strategic direction.
The final session of the day was led by Dr. Atif Saleem, Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department. Dr. Saleem focused on domain-specific training, offering insights into academic tools and platforms.
Dr. Aqsa Aslam, Assistant Professor at FAST-School of Computing, conducted a session on “Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations and Research Labs.” Dr. Aslam emphasized the importance of collaborative research efforts across different academic disciplines.
The introductory session continued with contributions from Dr. Muhammad Burhan Khan, Associate Professor and Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Saad, Assistant Professor and Head of the Management Sciences Department, and Dr. Nazia Nazeer, Associate Professor in the Management Sciences Department. Each shared their academic experiences, challenges, and guidance on navigating the university’s teaching and research environment.
Mr. Abdul Mueed Thahim delivered a presentation, covering key aspects of HR policies, emphasizing the critical role of soft skills, particularly Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Dr. Nadeem Kafi, Assistant Professor at FAST School of Computing, addressed the challenges associated with lab courses. The final session was conducted by Dr. Sufian Hameed, Professor at FAST School of Computing, who discussed assessment methodologies. The session aimed to offer practical guidance on aligning educational practices with learning objectives.
The Campus Director, Professor Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Memon, expressed his appreciation for the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) department for organizing the Faculty Training Program. Additionally, Professor Memon praised the faculty for their active participation and engagement throughout the training sessions.
The FAST-NUCES QEC department, HR department, faculty members and students attended a training workshop regarding protection of women against harassment on 12th September 2024 (Thursday) at Camp Office of the Provincial Ombudsman.
On September 18, 2024, our dedicated staff gathered for an insightful session titled “Bridging Connections: Mastering Rapport and Trust,” organized by Ms. Urooj Laghari, Deputy Manager of QEC. Participants had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of building meaningful connections in both professional and personal spheres. Staff members from various departments—including Accounts, Library, Academics, IT, Student Affairs, and Career Services—actively engaged in the session.
During the event, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, Head of the School of Computing, presented certificates of participation to all attendees and a certificate of appreciation to Ms. Nazia Imam, Lecturer in the Sciences & Humanities Department, in recognition of her outstanding contributions.