Students Societies & Extracurricular Activities

Students Societies & Extracurricular Activities

Welcome to the vibrant world of university societies at FAST NUCES Karachi! We take great pride in fostering a diverse and engaging campus environment through our 14 dynamic societies. Each society offers unique opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop skills, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re passionate about technology, arts, sports, or personal growth, there’s a society for you. FAST NUCES Karachi offers a variety of extracurricular activities for the students including

  2. Association of Computing Machinery
  3. Character Building Society
  5. Dramatics and Extra Curricular Society
  6. The Literary Club
  7. Think n Create
  8. IEEE
  9. Google Developer Student Club
  10. FAST Data Science Society
  11. ACM – Software Engineering
  12. ACM – Women
  13. ACM – Cyber Security
  14. ACM – Artificial Intelligence

The university hosts various social events and festivals throughout the year. These events provide an opportunity for students to showcase their skills, engage with peers, and have fun.


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