Abdul Aziz, A. Hafeez, Hassan, S. Javeed, Quershi, Furqan, Hussain, “Software Engineering Process Models Strengths and Limitations with SimSE”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 12, 31, (2019), (ISI Indexed Journal).
Abdul Aziz, A. Hafeez, S. Javed, A. B. Murtaza, S. M. Hassan, I. Hussain, “A Survey on the Adaption of CMS in Pakistani Universities”, Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research (ETASR), Volume: 9 , Issue: 6 , Pages: 5037-5040, December 2019 (ISI Indexed Journal)
Abdul Aziz, Zulfiqar A. Memon, Fahad Samad, Abdul Rehman, “The Future of Internet: Ipv6 Fulfilling the Routing Needs in Internet of Things”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (IJFGCN), Vol: 11, No:1(2018), pp.13-22. (ISI Indexed Journal)
Abdul Aziz, Zulfiqar A. Memon, Fahad Samad, Zafar Rehman Awan, Shafaq Siraj Siddiqi, “CPU-GPU Processing”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), Vol: 17, No: 9, 2017, pp. 188-193 (ISI Indexed)
Abdul Aziz, Zulfiqar A. Memon, Fahad Samad, Zafar Rehman Awan, Shafaq Siraj Siddiqi, “CPU-GPU Processing”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), Vol: 17, No: 9, 2017, pp. 188-193 (ISI Indexed)
Abdul Aziz, M.Wasim, A.Siddiqui, F.Saeed, L.Ahmed, S.Faisal, “Object’s Shape Recognition using Local Binary Patterns”,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol:8, No: 8, 2017, pp. 258 – 262. (ISI Indexed)
Abdul Aziz, M.Wasim, F.Saeed,A.Siddiqui, “Chapter 15: Dotted Raster-stereography: Revolutionizing Approach for Face Recognition”, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Editio, IGI Global USA, 2017, https://www.igi-global.com/affiliates/173015,
Abdul Aziz, F.Saeed, M.Wasim, A.Siddiqui. “Restraining Terrorism: A UWB Based Communications Infrastructure for Preventing Terrorist Activities in Pakistan”, Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotic Applications, ISSN: 2226-3883, Dec 2016, (HEC recognized)
Abdul Aziz, F.Saeed, M.Wasim, “Need for Disaster Management in Pakistan: A Critical View”, Journal of Information & Communication Technology Vol. 10, No. 1, 2016, pp. 58-64
A. Aziz, R. Memon, A. B. Shaikh, J. A. Mahar, “Disasters in Pakistan: An Overview and Assessment”, Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series), Vol 47, No 2, pp. 199- 204, 2015, ISSN: 1813-1743. (ISI Indexed)
Abdul Aziz, Dr. A.R.Memon, Dr.A.Basit Sheikh, “Construction practices and building vulnerability against disasters in Pakistan”, FEIIC 1st International Young Engineers Convention (FEIIC IYEC-2014), University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, April 2014.
Abdul Aziz, Raheel Iqbal, “Thin client computing & infrastructure for efficient business transactions”, 4th IBT International Conference, Karachi, June 2013
Abdul Aziz, Fahad Samad, Qassem Abu Ahmed, Asadullah Shaikh, “JAM: Mitigating Jellyfish Attacks in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, Emerging Trends and Applications in Information Communication Technologies, Communications in Computers and Information Science, Springer. 2012.
Abdul Aziz, Fahad Samad, Qassem Abu Ahmed, Asadullah Shaikh, “JAM: Mitigating Jellyfish Attacks in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan, March 2012.
Abdul Aziz, Fauzan Saeed, “Tackling Terrorism”, Journal of Communications and Information Technology JCIT, Vol 3, Issue 2. (HEC recognized)
Abdul Aziz, Naeem Ahmed, “Investigation & Prevention of hidden losses in East Asian pharmaceuticals companies”, Journal of Communications and Information Technology JCIT, Vol 3, Issue 2. (HEC recognized)
Abdul Aziz, Umm-e-Laila, Fuzan Saeed, Farrukh Aziz, “Verification of Occurrence of Arabic Word in Quran”, Journal of Communications and Information Technology JCIT, Vol 2, Issue 2. (HEC recognized)
Abdul Aziz, Fuzan Saeed, N.Zaman, Rakhshan Fatima, “Fighting Terrorism Using DEW”, 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference (IEEE INMIC 2008), Karachi, Pakistan, December 2008.