Dr. Fahad Samad, PhD


Dr. Fahad Samad, PhD

Assistant Professor, Incharge


Fahad Samad has received his PhD from RWTH Aachen University (Specialization: Network Security). He is eagerly looking forward to academic and industrial opportunities and challenges ahead. His objective is to be actively involved and to always play a major role in shaping the technically advanced society using the skills set that he has developed over the past several years.

Courses Taught

  • Discrete Structures
  • Computer Networks
  • Information Security
  • -Data Mining
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Cyber and Network Security
  • Statistical and Mathematical Methods for Data Science


  • PhD Computer Science – RWTH Aachen University – Germany


HEC-DAAD Scholarship for PhD in Germany


  • https://scholar.google.ae/citations?user=ZtJqtfYAAAAJ&hl=en
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