Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, PhD


Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir, PhD

Professor & Head of School (FSC)
HEC approved PhD Supervisor


Dr. Muhammad Atif Tahir received his Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science & Engineering at Queens University, Belfast, UK, MSc in Computer Engineering from King Fahd University, Dhahran, KSA, and BE in Computer Systems Engineering from NED University of Engg, and Tech., Karachi, Pakistan. He is currently working as a Professor and Director at the School of Computer Science, FAST-NUCES, Karachi Campus. Before joining FAST, he was working as Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. His main research is in Machine Learning & Combinatorial Optimization Techniques with applications in image/video retrieval, cancer classification, surface inspection, bioinformatics, multi-label classification, and face recognition. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 publications in top-quality journals including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Journal of Machine Learning Research, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is also the Director of the Video Surveillance Lab, NCBC funded by the Planning Commission of Pakistan and HEC. Dr. Tahir has recently won several research grants worth Rs 50 million.


Courses Taught

  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning for DS
  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • Design & Analysis of Algorithms.


More than 15 years of teaching experience in Higher Education More than 80 Referred Publications in High-Quality Journals and Conferences with the main research area in Machine learning.

  • Experience of Curriculum Development in Computer Science & Engineering
  • Active Involvement of Accreditation Practices in Computing including NCEAC, ABET and British Computer Society
  • Academic Fellow in UK Higher Education Academy (Lifetime)
Journal Papers


  • F H Syed, M A Tahir, M Rafi, M D Shahab, Feature selection for semi-supervised multi-target regression using genetic algorithm, Applied Intelligence, 1-24, 2021. Impact Factor 3.325
  • D Jha, …, M A Tahir et al, A comprehensive analysis of classification methods in gastrointestinal endoscopy imaging, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, Impact Factor 11.4
  • Y Zahid, M A Tahir, NM Durrani, A Bouridane, IBaggedFCNet: An Ensemble Framework for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos, IEEE Access, 2020, Impact Factor, 3.6
  • M U Ghani, M Rafi, M A Tahir, Discriminative adaptive sets for multi-label classification, IEEE Access, 2020, Impact Factor, 3.6
  • K Soomro, M N M Bhutta, Z Khan, and M A Tahir, Smart city big data analytics: An advanced review, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 9(5), 2019, Impact Factor 2.6
  • F. Khan, F. Khelifi , M. A. Tahir, and A. Bouridane, Dissimilarity Gaussian Mixture Models for Efficient Offline Handwritten Text-Independent Identification Using SIFT and RootSIFT Descriptors, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (2), 289-303, 2018, Impact Factor 4.33
  • F. H. Syed, and M. A. Tahir , Safe semi supervised multi-target regression (MTR-SAFER) for new targets learning, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-17, 2018, Impact Factor 1.33
  • R. Peyret, A. Bouridane, F. Khelifi, M. A. Tahir, Somaya Al-Maadeed, Automatic classification of colorectal and prostatic histologic tumor images using multiscale multispectral local binary pattern texture features and stacked generalization, Neurocomputing, 2018, Impact Factor 3.32
  • F. Khan, M. A. Tahir, F. Khelifi, A. Bouridane and R Almotaeryi, “Robust Off-line Text Independent Writer Identification Using Bagged Discrete Cosine Transform Features”, to appear in Expert Systems and Applications, 2017, Impact Factor 2.91
  • M K Shaikh, A. Lawgaly, M A Tahir and A Bouridane, “Modality Identification for Heterogeneous Face Recognition, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, Impact Factor 1.33
  • M A Tahir, J Kittler and A Bouridane, “Multi-label Classification using Stacked Spectral Kernel Discriminant Analysis”, NeuroComputing, 2016, Impact Factor 2.01
  • A Dreder, M A Tahir, H Seker, N Anwar, Discovering differences in gender-related skeletal muscle aging through the majority voting-based identification of differently expressed genes, International Journal on Bioinformatics & Biosciences 6 (2), 1-14, 2016
  • Zaheer Khan, Ashiq Anjum, Kamran Soomro, and M A Tahir, “Towards cloud based big data analytics for smart future cities”, 4(2), Journal of Cloud Computing 2015
  • M A Tahir, A Jamsheed, H. Rehman, and Y. Daadaa “Tabu Search for Low-Cost Dynamic Multicast Tree Generation with Quality of Service Guarantees”, Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015
  • E. Khalifa, Somaya Al Maadeed, M A Tahir, A Bouridane, A. Jamsheed, Off-line Writer Identification Using an Ensemble of Grapheme Codebook Features, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2015, Impact Factor 1.55
  • Somaya Al Maadeed, Abdelaali Hassaine, Ahmed Bouridane and M A Tahir, Novel Geometric Features for Off-line Writer Identification, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2014
  • Somaya Al Maadeed, Abdelaali Hassaine, Ahmed Bouridane and M A Tahir, Novel Geometric Features for Off-line Writer Identification, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2014
  • M A Tahir, Fei Yan, Peter Koniusz, Muhammad Awais, Mark Barnard, Krystian Mikolajczyk, Ahmed Bouridane, and Josef Kittler, A Robust and Scalable Visual Category and Action Recognition System Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis With Spectral Regression, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(7), 2013
  • P.A. Barraclough, M.A. Hossain, M.A. Tahir, G. Sexton, N. Aslam, Intelligent phishing detection and protection scheme for online transactions, Experts Systems with Applications, 40, 2013, Impact Factor 2.91
  • C. Chan, M. A. Tahir and J. Kittler, “Multiscale Local Phase Quantisation for Robust Component-based Face Recognition using Kernel Fusion of Multiple Descriptors”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Ranked 1st in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Impact Factor: 4.908, 2013
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, and F. Yan, “Inverse Random Under Sampling for class imbalance problem and its application to multi-label classification”, Pattern Recognition, 2012 Ranked 18th in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Impact Factor: 2.682
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, and A. Bouridane, “Multilabel classification using Heterogeneous Ensemble of Multi-label Classifiers”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012, Impact Factor: 1.55
  • F. Yan, J. Kittler, K. Mikolajczyk and M. A. Tahir, Non-Sparse Multiple Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2012, Ranked 14th in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Impact Factor: 2.974
  • M. A. Tahir, and J. E. Smith, “Creating Diverse Nearest Neighbour Ensembles using Simultaneous Metaheuristic Feature Selection.” Pattern Recognition Letters, 2010, Impact Factor: 1.55
  • E. Lughofer , J. E. Smith, M. A. Tahir, P. Caleb-Solly, C. Eitzinger, D. Sannen and M. Nuttin, “Human–Machine Interaction Issues in Quality Control Based on On-Line Image Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 2009, Part A; Ranked 2nd in Computer Science, Cybernetics, Impact Factor: 2.093
  • C. Eitzinger, W. Heidl, E. Lughofer, S. Raiser, J. E. Smith, M. A. Tahir, D. Sannen and H. Van Brussel “Assessment of the Influence of Adaptive Components in Trainable Surface Inspection Systems”: Machine Vision and Applications, Special Issue on ’Integrated Imaging and Vision Techniques for Industrial Inspection’, 2009, Impact Factor: 1.549
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, and F. Kurugollu, “Simultaneous Feature Selection and Feature Weighting using Hybrid Tabu Search/K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 28, 2007 , Impact Factor: 1.235. Among Most Cited Articles since 2007 in PR Letters. Source: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/pattern-recognition-letters/most-cited-articles/
  • M. A. Tahir and A. Bouridane, “A Novel Round Robin Tabu Search Algorithm for Prostate Cancer Classification and Diagnosis using Multispectral Imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10(4), October 2006, Impact Factor: 1.707
  • M. A. Tahir, A Bouridane and F. Kurugollu, “An FPGA based coprocessor for GLCM Haralick Texture Features and their Application in Prostate Cancer Classification, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 43, 205-215, 2005, Impact Factor: 0.452
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “A Novel Prostate Cancer Classification Technique using Intermediate Memory Tabu Search”, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue: Advances in Intelligent Vision Systems: Methods and Applications, 14, 2241-2249, 2005, Impact Factor: 1.053
  • M. A. Tahir and A. Bouridane, “A Novel Round Robin Tabu Search Algorithm for Prostate Cancer Classification and Diagnosis using Multispectral Imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10(4), October 2006, Impact Factor: 1.707
  • H. Youssef, A. Almulhem, Sadiq M. Sait, M. A. Tahir, “QoS-Driven Multicast Tree Generation using Tabu Search”, Computer Communications, 25, 1140-1149, July 2002, Impact Factor: 1.056 Book Chapters:
Workshop Refereed Papers

International Conference

  • Z. Khan, U. T. Alvi, M. A. Tahir, S. Memon, Medical Diagnostic by Data Bagging for Various Instances of Neural Network, ICPR International Workshops and Challenge, 2021
  • M. S. Afzal and M. A. Tahir, Reinforcement Learning based Video Summarization with Combination of ResNet and Gated Recurrent Unit, In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2021
  • Y Zahid, M A Tahir, M N Durrani, Ensemble learning using bagging and inception-V3 for anomaly detection in surveillance videos, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 588-592, 2020
  • M Waqas, Z Khan, S Anjum, M A Tahir, Lung-Wise Tuberculosis Analysis and Automatic CT Report Generation with Hybrid Feature and Ensemble Learning, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Thessaloniki, Greece, CLEF2020 Working Notes
  • F H Syed, M R Shah, M A Tahir, Improved Single Target Accuracy Using Feature Selection for Multitarget Regression, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Smart Technologies, 2020
  • M Khan, M A Tahir, Z Ahmed, Detection of violent content in cartoon videos using multimedia content detection techniques, IEEE 21st International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), 2018
  • S Nadeem, M A Tahir, S S A Naqvi, M Zaid, Ensemble of Texture and Deep Learning Features for Finding Abnormalities in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 469-478, 2018 (Nominated as Best Paper)
  • Z Khan, M A Tahir, Majority voting of Heterogeneous Classifiers for finding abnormalities in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Proc. of the MediaEval Workshop, 2018
  • M Hanif, MA Tahir, M Rafi, Detection of passable roads using Ensemble of Global and Local Features, Proc. of the MediaEval Workshop, 2018
  • M Hanif, MA Tahir, M Khan, M Rafi, Flood detection using Social Media Data and Spectral Regression based Kernel Discriminant Analysis, Proc. of the MediaEval Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 2017
  • SSA Naqvi, S Nadeem, M Zaid, MA Tahir, Ensemble of Texture Features for Finding Abnormalities in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Proc. of the MediaEval Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 2017
  • M A Omar, M A Tahir, F Khelifi, Multi-label learning model for improving retinal image classification in diabetic retinopathy, 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2017
  • F A Khan, M A Tahir, F Khelifi, and A Bouridane, Offline text independent writer identification using ensemble of multi-scale local ternary pattern histograms, 6th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), 2016
  • F Mehboob, M Abbas, R Jiang, M A Tahir, S Al-Maadeed, A Bouridane, Automated vehicle density estimation from raw surveillance videos, SAI Computing Conference (SAI), 2016, 1024-1030, 2016
  • A Dreder, M A Tahir, H Seker, M N Anwar, Majority voting approach for the identification of differentially expressed genes to understand gender-related skeletal muscle aging, AIRCC, 53, 237-244, 2016
  • M Omar, F Khelifi, and M A Tahir, Detection and classification of retinal fundus images exudates using region based multiscale LBP texture approach, International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2016
  • O F Ogutcen, Z Gormez, M A Tahir, and H Seker, An Aggregated Cross-Validation Framework for Computational Discovery of Disease-Associative Genes, 14th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016
  • M A Tahir, E Khan and A. Al Salam, Medical text categorization using SEBLA and Kernel Discriminant Analysis, 2nd World Symosium on Web Applications and Networking, 2015
  • M A Tahir, A Jamsheed, H. Rehman, and Y. Daadaa, ” Dynamic QoS Multicasting using Greedy Approach and Fuzzy-based Tabu Search, International Conference International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Education “, 2014
  • M K Shaikh, M A Tahir and A Bouridane, “Tied Factor Analysis using Bagging for Heterogeneous Face Recognition”, EUVIP 2014
  • M K Shaikh, M A Tahir and A Bouridane, “Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Intermodality Recognition “, In Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP, 2014
  • E Khalifa, Al-Maadeed, M A Tahir, F Khelifil and A Bouridane, “Off-line Writer Identification using Multi-scale Local Binary Patterns and SR-KDA”, In Proceedings of IEEE ICM, 2013
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, and A. Bouridane, “Dimensionality Reduction Using Stacked Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Multi-label Classification”, In Proceedings of the Multiple Classifier Systems, 2013
  • M. A. Tahir and A. Bouridane, “Face Recognition using Kernel Collaborative Representation and Multiscale Local Binary Patterns”, IET Image Processing Conference, London, 2012
  • M. A. Tahir, C. Chan, J. Kittler and A. Bouridane, “Face Recognition using Multi-Scale Local Phase Quantisation and Linear Regression Classifier”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, 2011
  • M. A. Tahir, ,F. Yan, M. Barnard, M. Awais, K. Mikolajczyk, J. Kittler, “The University of Surrey Visual Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF 2010: Working Notes”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), Istanbul, Turkey
  • C. Chan, J. Kittler and M. A. Tahir, “Kernel Fusion of Multiple Histogram Descriptors for Robust Face Recognition”, In Proceedings of Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, 2010
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, K. Mikolajczyk, and F. Yan. “Improving Multilabel classification using Ensemble of Multi-label classifiers”, In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
  • F. Yan, K. Mikolajczyk, J. Kittler, and M. A. Tahir. “Combining Multiple Kernels by Augmenting the Kernel Matrix”, In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
  • F. Yan, K. Mikolajczyk, J. Kittler, and M. A. Tahir, “Non-Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Linear Discriminant Analysis”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 09), Florida, USA.
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, K. Mikolajczyk, F. Yan, K. Sande, and T. Gevers “Visual Category Recognition Using Spectral Regression and Kernel Discriminant Analysis”. In Proceedings of the Subspace 2009 in conjunction with 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, K. Mikolajczyk, and F. Yan, “Concept learning for Image and Video Retrieval: The inverse random under sampling approach”. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO 2009), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2009.
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, F. Yan, and K. Mikolajczyk. “Kernel discriminant analysis using triangular kernel for semantic scene classification”. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Crete, Greece, 2009.
  • F. Yan, K. Mikolajczyk, J. Kittler, and M. A. Tahir. “A comparison of 1-norm and 2-norm multiple kernel SVMs in image and video classification”. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Crete, Greece, 2009.
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Kittler, K. Mikolajczyk, and F. Yan. “A multiple expert approach to the class imbalance problem using inverse random under sampling”. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2009.
  • E Lughofer, J. E. Smith, M. A. Tahir, P. Caleb-Solly, C. Eitzinge, D. Sannen, H. V. Brussel. “On Human-Machine Interaction during Online Image Classifier Training”, In Proc. of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA), Vienna, 2008
  • M. A. Tahir, J. Smith and C. Praminda, “A Novel Feature Selection based Semi-Supervised method for Image Classification”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Greece, 2008.
  • D. Sannen, M. Nuttin, J. Smith, C. Praminda, M. A. Tahir, E. Christian, and E. Lughofer, “An On-Line Interactive Self-Adaptive Image Classification Framework”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Greece, 2008.
  • J. E. Smith and M. A. Tahir, “Stop Wasting Time: On Predicting the Success or Failure of Learning for Industrial Applications”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL’07), Birmingham, UK, 2007.
  • M. A. Tahir, and J. Smith, “Improving Nearest Neighbor Classifier using Tabu Search and Ensemble Distance Metrics”, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Hong Kong, 2006.
  • M. A. Tahir, and A. Bouridane, “An FPGA based coprocessor for cancer classification using nearest neighbour classifier”, Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, 2006.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “Accelerating the Computation of GLCM and Haralick Texture Features on Reconfigurable Hardware”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore, Vol. 5, 2857-2860, October 2004.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “Feature Selection using Tabu Search for Improving the Classification Rate of Prostate Needle Biopsies”, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cambridge, UK, Vol. 2, pp. 335-338, August 2004.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, and F. Kurugollu. “Simultaneous Feature Selection and Weighting for Nearest Neighbor Using Tabu Search”, 5th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL’04), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3177, pp 390-395, Springer Verlag, August 2004.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, and F. Kurugollu. “An FPGA based Coprocessor for the Classification of Tissue Patterns in Prostatic Cancer”, 14th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and its Applications (FPL), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3203, pp 771-780, Springer Verlag, August /September 2004.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “Improving Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Tabu Search”, IEE Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), Belfast, UK, 2004.
  • M. A. Tahir, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “An FPGA based coprocessor for calculating grey level co-occurrence matrix’’, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWCAS), Cairo, Egypt, 2003.
  • M. A. Tahir, M. A. Roula, A. Bouridane, F. Kurugollu, and A. Amira, “An FPGA based co-processor for GLCM texture features measurement”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Sharjah, UAE, vol 3, 1006-1009, 2003.
  • M. A Tahir, Habib Youssef, A. Almulhem, and Sadiq M. Sait, “Fuzzy based MultiObjective Multicast Routing using Tabu Search”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing (IC2002), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2002.
  • H. Youssef, A. Almulhem, S. M. Sait, M. A. Tahir, “QoS-Driven Multicast Tree Generation using Tabu Search”, Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2001.
  • M. A Tahir, H. Youssef, A. Almulhem, S. M. Sait “Multicast Tree Search”, Generation using Tabu Proceedings of the Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2002.
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